Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Cali Campaign Underway

Our Cali Campaign team arrived in Cali safely on Saturday and all is well. The team spent Sunday in the churches they will be partnering with for evangelism and planting new churches. They also attended organizational meetings in preparation for the week. Please continue to pray for a great harvest in Cali!

Sam Ingrassia's first email to the church:

The team arrived safe and on time on Sat night – only 1 piece of luggage missing!
We are all set now and ready to push forward on this campaign
37 N.Amer here- about 1/2 new campaigners
Have had great meetings and teaching times here on kingdom stuff in advance Fri and
Sat. Appreciate your prayers!
Doug Dorta was already a big help in customs as the officials did NOT want to let the reading glasses go through – but he got them thru. He had a box of glasses to check and he is the guy who was stopped and he SPEAKS SPANISH!! Interesting , huh?

Luv ya, Sam


Dave Stephenson said...

Praise God the glasses got through customs and everyone on the trip is prepared for the work in the field.

"The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me; your love, O Lord, endures forever — do not abandon the works of your hands" -- Pslam 138

Textwin2 said...

Buenos Dias Cali Team!!!!

We are praying for you all, and (in the words of Steve Polk) "That GOD will not only show up, but He will show off"!! You guys are awesome for answering HIS call. I pray you are all filled with HIS spirit today and go exactly where He leads.
Hugs to my husband!!! We love you all..... Kelly

Mike & Wanda Oliver said...


Mike and I are praying for you each day. The pics look like you are doing well...we can't wait to hear your stories!

Love to all,
Mike & Wanda