Monday, July 20, 2009

Team Barranquilla Report #4

Dear Beloved Family of the Lord at Firewheel,
The list below shows you the names of the ‘Barrios’ (ie. Neighborhoods) where our teams are working & the ‘Igleisa’, ie. Mother Planting churches for each Barrio. As you pray, call them out by name! (‘If you can ‘pronounce’ them! :-) This is the heart of the work we are seeking to do – to help start mission churches in neighborhoods, so people can ‘walk to church – when they do not have transportation’. Thus, we are ‘mobilizing the church’ to ‘multiply the church’.
This is really great: 27 members of our 30 person team is from Firewheel Church!! That is awesome! It represents the reality that the Christians at Firewheel, starting with our pastors on down, are committed to participating in mission work!!! Pray for our team of young people who are hear with pastor Doug Schmidt leading them! They are pumped up! We have been able to ‘co-confess’ that we are ‘fearful and apprehensive’, yet mixed with ‘joy and anticipation’’ of what the Lord will do. On Sunday night we had an energetic time of training with the Colombians. When the international Body of Christ joins together in ‘love and unity’, God is ‘breathing upon it’! The excitement was evident and overflowing! Praise God – thanks for walking with us in prayer, ‘step by step’ in this campaign!

For His Advancing Kingdom, Sam Ingrassia

Pray specifically for these as you pray. The teams will be working in the first barrio Mon & Tues and the second barrio listed on Wed & Thurs.

Barrio Campo Alegre- Iglesia Bautista Resurrección (Doug, Tye, Mary, Elizabeth, Justin)
Las Americas- Iglesia Bautista Genezareth (Doug, Tye, Mary, Elizabeth, Justin)
San Felipe- Iglesia Bautista El Buen Samaritano (Andrew, Patrick, Kristen, Aurora, Amy)
Carrizal- Iglesia Ebenezer (Andrew, Patrick, Kristen, Aurora, Amy)
las Malvinas- Iglesia El Camino a Dios (David, Jennifer, Samira, Madison, Carolina)
Moderno- Iglesia Centro de Restauración Familiar (David, Jennifer, Samira, Madison, Carolina)
Los Almendros- Ministerio ORA Internacional (Mark, Kelly, Julia, Lauren)
Villate- Centro de Restauración Familiar (Mark, Kelly, Julia, Lauren)
San Roque- Iglesia Bautista Jehova Jireh (Beth, Amber, Gary, Emma, Matthew)
Costa Hermosa- Casa de Adoración Amistad (Beth, Amber, Gary, Emma, Matthew)
Simón Bolívar- Iglesia Bautista Montes de Sión (Vicki, Christina, Doug, Holly)
Santo Tomás- Comunidad Cristiana Bethesda (Vicki, Christina, Doug, Holly)

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