Wednesday, August 5, 2009

New Jersey Team Update

Dear Church Family,

God has definitely been good to us while we are here in NJ. We have been working here for 5 days and have yet to have an injury (save a whole bunch of caulk that won't come off the skin!). God is really using our time here to be a blessing to Bruno and his family. God has allowed us to safely do all of the following:

Tear out, replace, and frame out 56 windows (many on the second floor).

Demolition and rebuild the main stage in the sanctuary (still in process)

Replace 12 ballasts in light fixtures (still in process)

Put in 2 new directs for the gutters as well as add and level 4 down spouts and level the entire guttering system.

Mill (on-site) and install trim and seats on all of the windows

Primed and painted all of the window trim as well as the window seats

Remove a cherry tree

Cut a hole for plate class in the nursery. Framed out and set the glass.

Cut holes for security glass in all of the interior doors (still in process).

Install 2 new AC units and 1 AC closet.

Install duct work for new AC units (still in process)

Cut holes for and install a ton of new can lights (still in process)

Patch and repair drywall (still in process)

Tons of painting (still in process).

As you can see, we still have a lot of work yet to go, but feel confident that we will be able to complete the work before we leave if God grants us as much success as we have had over the last few days. We covet your prayers for saftey and stamina. As it is now day 5, we are all a little tired and we sleep hard. Thanks for sending us on your behalf.

The NJ Team


Pastor Steven said...

Hey NJ Team,

Just want to say keep up the great work. Thanks for being the hands and feet of Jesus this week in NJ. Thanks for your willingness to go and your sacrifice of time, talent, and treasure. You make Firewheel a special place!

Pastor Steven

Dave Stephenson said...

We continue to pray for Team New Jersey and that Bruno's church family will see the Body of Christ at work and building a foundation for so many wonderful memories in the future!

Anonymous said...

WOW! You guys are phenomenal! What a blessing you must be to the Giamba family and their church. I know Father will bring those New Jersey folks to Watermark church from miles around to see the work you have done. Then HE will get all the glory! I pray your strength and stamina increase because of your faithfulness. Love you all! Lisa S.

Emily Wilkinson said...

I think it is so great that you are all up there working so hard, so that church body can spend their money ministering to God's people instead of repairing a building. You will never know how many people will be reached because of your work. Thank you for obeying when God said, "Go!"

Amanda Ramirez said...

You all are doing a great job - you have accomplished so many things this week. We are praying for strength and endurance as you are finishing out this week. Thank you for your willingness to serve. Your work will greatly bless that community in New Jersey for years and years to come. :)

Lisa Frosch said...

It's amazing what God is being able to do through you in such a short amount of time! Thank you so much for letting Him use you for His glory! We're praying that God continue to give you strength through the long days. Thank you for all you're doing! You are truly a blessing for those in NJ.

Anonymous said...

Thank you'all for your hard work and labor of love in His name. I
know that the Great Carpenter Himself, Jesus Christ is proud of the work you are doing in his name.

Anonymous said...

What a blessing to read of the God honoring, Christ exalting work you all are doing there. Far beyond physical activity and materials, you're showing the heart of Jesus to each other and to the brothers and sisters in Christ there. Your efforts will pay spiritual dividends for years to come and for eternity.
God bless, and be safe,
Lee & Karen Carpenter

Mrs. Girly Girl said...

What an amazing team God has sent to NJ, I am in awe of your commitment and endurance. I pray that God will continue to give you strength and stamina. Thank you for being there and helping build God's kingdom with your amazing talent and willingness to serve! We will continue to lift you up! :)

Kim Gibbs

Meredith Roberts said...

How exciting all that you have been able to accomplish in such a short amount of time. I'm most thrilled about the lack of injuries!! What a blessing for the NJ family to be able to focus on ministering and evangelism after this and not just mopping up water!;) Just think of all the prayers and praise that will be sent heavenward in the upcoming years in this very place you are repairing. Humbling!

Tell Kyle his girls love and are proud of him!

Clay Prince said...

Hi Guys,

You're amazing testimony to the power of God through people. Bless you for blessing the Giamba's and that local community, where so many lives will be touched. You may not see it because you're "heads down" cranking away at the work at hand, but people all over the community are noticing what's going on there, and their interest is piqued. The Lord will use that in ways we cannot foresee, but every nail you drive contributes to His purposes in many lives, including mine. I appreciate you so much and am proud to be part of a fellowship that puts its money and sweat where its mouth is. Praise the Lord for Godly leadership, praise the Lord for Bruno's obedience, and praise the Lord for you!


Ray Adcock said...

Go Firewheel Go!
You guys are so AWESOME!!!
Go all out, don't leave anything in the tank. There will plenty of time to rest when you are dead. :)

Praying blessings over you...

Matt Hamilton said...

Amazing! You guys had a huge list of things to accomplish this week and have put a huge dent in that. Extreme Makeover - Church Edition courtesy of the Firewheel Team!

Kyle, quit slacking off.

Anonymous said...

Way to go, NJ team! Praying that the Father would give you continued strength and stamina for the coming days. Thanks for investing in the's always a good investment.

Robert Morris

Aurora Dixon said...

Wow! Awesome work! NJ Team, I am so proud of and for you. It is so great to know that you all are ready and able to do God's work for our brothers and sister's in Christ. May the Lord Almighty, Jehovah Jireh, supply you with all that you need to his glory! I know that you all will return successful and full of God's blessings having served so faithfully. We will continue to hold you up in prayer until your return. YSIC, aurora dixon