Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Holy Lands Update 3

Well today has been spent in and around the Sea of Galilee. So much of what Jesus did was in this area. The Sermon on the Mount, The Transfiguration, the calming of the storm, teaching from the boat to His disciples...and as scripture confirms much, much more. We have one more day in this region before going to Tel Aviv tomorrow (Wednesday) night. We've had an excellent trip and have experienced so many things. We look forward to being back and sharing them with you all.

Below: Clockwise

1. The shoreline on the Sea of Galilee 2. A boat dating back to Jesus' time found at the Sea of Galilee 3. The type of tree used to make the crown of thorns at Jesus' crucifixion 4. A Jewish synagogue near the Sea of Galilee where most experts believe Jesus must have taught


Anonymous said...

May the Lord's presence continue to protect, awe, and inspire you all as you continue to experience his blessings and will for your trip. YSIC, Aurora

Dave Stephenson said...

Amazing for what is really a lake that storms can cause damage on that water because of high waves. Pics look marvelous. Hope you had a chance to reel in some musht.